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June 2008 (1)

Poker Blog for the_jester

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June 30, 2008, 4PM:
aa v's 22

OK i know the numbers and all but i honestly think there is an argument to be made for 22 being better than aa. how many times do you win a huge pot with bullets unless you manage to get it all in preflop? And if you do get it all in preflop how many times do they get cracked? now think of all the times you just couldn't trow them away and ended up losing a fortune or worse yet busting out of a tourney. it can seem like you never win hug with them but always lose huge. i mean unless you hit your ace you've only got one pair and how often do you win a massive pot with only one pair? if you do hit your ace its pretty unlikely anyone else as one so failing them hitting two pair or maybe a lower set your not going to make too much off the hand cause of that ace on the board. you only have a 1 in 8.3 chance to hit the flop so you pretty much have to make up your mind there and then how much you are actually willing to put out here.
But if you flip that around i've never heard of anyone with a drop of skill not be able to trow away 22. you have to same chance to hit your set but if you do who is going to be afraid of that 2 on the board? im probably wrong and i have obviously had a bad night with aces which is what leads to this rant but it just seems like they are giving too much weight. i hate getting them cause i know how im supposed to play them but i don't want to cause it means me putting faith in a hand i hate.
oh and use the code power1 on full tilt for a 100% bonus on you're first deposit up to $600. nice way to start off your bankroll!

Last Update: June 30, 2008, 4:41PM | Permalink

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