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World Poker Solutions - Poker Cruises


Birthday: August 4, 2004
Location: San Jose

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Poker Blog for WhatsNew

Most Recent Log Entries

March 19, 2008, 1PM:
Multiple Images

Since we have noticed many of you changing your images Jimmy has given you the ability to have up to 5 images on your account.
To upload more images or choose which will be set as your default go to your "my account" page.

Last Update: March 19, 2008, 1:56PM | Permalink (0 Comments)

March 19, 2008, 12PM:
Biggest Win/Loss

Under your "more stats" section you now can see your largest win/loss for each individual graph.

Last Update: March 19, 2008, 12:59PM | Permalink (0 Comments)

March 15, 2008, 9AM:
Hand Histrory Improvements

Just made the first improvements to the hand histories in a while.  I'm always afraid of pushing stuff like this out there since I have a hard time making sure I'm chopping up all the hands properly (for each game/site combination), so please be nice if/when you notice bugs...
At any rate, when you upload hand histories, it will now attempt to extract all players' cards so that the hand history shows a summary of what was dealt to each player (whose cards are known) and what the board was.  Here are some examples:
That last one shows that Stud games work (as well as they can).  I just hope it works for each site.
As a reminder, we can parse hand histories for Full Tilt, PokerStars, and PartyPoker right now.  Obviously we'd like to get other sites' HH working, but someone would have to express desire to upload hand histories from another site first.
I hope you can see where we're going with this.  Now that the system cn extract the cards, we can head towards telling you what the odds were, wht a given player's tendencies are, what your own tendencies are, and so on.  We just need to link up the odds application with the hand histories...this was one of the main ideas of this site in the beginning.  Maybe sometime in the next 5 years it will be as awesome as we all want it to be.
Thanks for being patient, and thanks for using my little toy.

Last Update: March 15, 2008, 9:25AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

March 5, 2008, 7AM:
Rate of Return

Jimmy, MtCardDealer, has been kind enough to add a new statistic to our "more stats" section.
It is "Rate of Return" for Tournaments.
This means, for every dollar you put into tournaments this is how much your receive back.
Example, you have 40% ROR.  So for every $100 you put into tournaments you get back your investment and $40.
Hope you enjoy.

Last Update: March 5, 2008, 8:01AM | Permalink (4 Comments)

February 11, 2008, 5PM:
My Locations

We noticed in our own logs and others that the 'locations' for places played are inconsistent.
An example is say, Full Tilt Poker.  We list it as; Full Tilt, Fulltilt, FT, FTP etc.  This may not seem bad but when viewing your "more stats" by location pages you end up getting multiple graphs and information for the same place, because there is a slight variance in spelling.
To consolidate a location you can now go to your "My Account" section. Under "My Locations" click on the location you would like to change and then click "change location".  It prompts you to enter the new desired location name. 
*doing this changes ALL log entries with the OLD location to the NEW location name*
Another feature added to the site is a locations drop down menu when you list a log entry.  Under location we list all your locations you play at, which can be managed under "my account".
For example, you play at Big Daddy's.  In the past you type in Big Daddys and forget the ' and then you would have two different graphs.  Now you can scroll down your locations to Big Daddy's and choose your listed spelling for consistency.
To add a new location to your list of locations you simply add an entry and choose "new location" in the drop down menu. Then on the right of this type in the new location name.  This will add the new location to your list of locations played at.
We hope this helps to keep our logs clean, neat and easier to manage.
If you have any questions or problems with this system please email us or reply to this post.

Last Update: February 11, 2008, 5:37PM | Permalink (3 Comments)

December 2, 2007, 4AM:
Poker Stars and Full Tilt Hand History Uploading

Finally Rob sat on the couch and finished up hand history uploading for both Full Tilt Poker and Poker Stars!
For now not much information is given to you, but remember this, the more hands that are saved the more information will be available to all of us later.
Hand Histories are also nice to backup and verify your online performance as well as to replay hands that were problematic and get opinions.
Uploading hand histories for these sites are the same as Party Poker is, Hand History Uploading Guide
*with Full Tilt Poker you must click the "Save My Hand Histories" box for them to be saved to your machine, the box is located in the "Main Menu" under "Options" and the last option titled "Hand History..." once open you can click the "Save My Hand Histories" box.
*for Poker Stars to save hand histories to your machine, log into the "Main Menu", click the "Options" tab, then close to the bottom the "Instant Hand History Options..."
There you can click the "Save My Hand History" box.
On both sites once in the Hand History menu you can choose where to save the Hand History files on your computer and also to set the length of time in which to save hand histories.

Last Update: December 2, 2007, 5:08AM | Permalink (1 Comment)

November 20, 2007, 3PM:
Poker Stars

By request I finally added Poker Stars to our Poker Room Reviews Section of online poker sites.
For those that play there please rate the site and add your comments.  If you have never played there I highly recommend checking out Poker Stars! In my opinion, besides Full Tilt, it's the best poker site online to play tournaments at.
Here is the link for the Poker Stars Review.

Last Update: November 20, 2007, 3:29PM | Permalink (0 Comments)

June 2, 2007, 11PM:
"More Stats" - Reports by Limit

For those that don't know Jimmy has joined up with Rob to help code up the site and provide us more useful tools.
Just added is "Performance by Limit".
Here you can see all your results broken down by just the limits played regardless of game type or location.  This includes all No Limit and Pot Limit games as well.
To view this go to someones account, click the "more stats" button and then the "Performance by Limit" link.
Hope you enjoy.

Last Update: June 2, 2007, 11:49PM | Permalink (7 Comments)

April 1, 2007, 10PM:
Recent Rambling Poker Forum

Well.. thanks to mtcarddealer and DeDobber our poker forum is finally here.
All "Rambling" entries will be posted on the Poker Forum Page.
To start a conversation/debate, add a log entry with the game type "Just Rambling".
New conversations and those with the most recent comments will stay towards the top of the page.
Any ideas or suggestions for improvement, please email us or better yet share your ideas by commenting on "what's new" posts.

Last Update: April 1, 2007, 10:35PM | Permalink (0 Comments)

March 8, 2007, 2PM:
Image Uploading

Courtesy of DeCodingDobber we now can upload images to our accounts.
To do so click on "my account",
then click "upload photo",
click "browse",
then "upload photo"
Your image will be displayed on your home page, when you leave comments and on the "entries with recent comments page".
At this time only one image will be displayed and stored.  In the near future you will be able to have more than one image and choose which one to be displayed.
You do not have to leave a face picture and are more than welcome to upload images of whatever you choose.

Last Update: March 8, 2007, 2:42PM | Permalink (2 Comments)

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