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Birthday: November 16, 1986
Location: Ann Arbor, MI

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Total Hours: 317
Earnings/Hour: $2.76


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Poker Log Entry for EightFive

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January 4, 2008, 10PM: Played 4 hours, Made $35.00 at U of M
$0.10/0.20 Texas Hold'em

First time we have played in a while and no one was willing to kid rebought 4 times :)....It was nice to get the game as deepstacked as a good cash game should be after people rebought enough times (most start with $5).  I played ok but not great, missed bets on the river probably 2-3 times and paid off a kid in a spot where i KNEW FOR SURE he had me.  But, i got my money in good 3-4 times and had it hold each time which was nice.  An example of how soft the game is:
I'm UTG + 1 and raise pot with JJ, one weak tight player calls on my left and then a really loose player calls on the button.  When it gets to the BB she min-reraised.  I didn't know what to do because this was one of the tighter players at the table and i had one guy to my left who prolly would have called too.  So I min-raise it back knowing the weak-tight player will fold and the loose player will most likely fold because "raise-reraise" is scary to him no matter the size.  At the same time i will be able to find out cheaply where the BB is.  It worked just like i was hoping with two folds and the BB just calling.  The flop came T82 rainbow and the BB checked to me (i now thought she had AK or AQ) and with $7.50 in the pot and $11 left in her stack i decided to just ship it at pick up the $7.50 and not risk an over card hitting that turns me into a nit.  She thought and thought and i told her she could pick either one of my cards to see and so i showed her the J she pointed to and then instead of realizing that i obv. had JJ she thought "probably AJ" and called with AQ.  I dodged the 6 outs and won a big pot.....can't wait til next week.

Last Update: January 5, 2008, 9:51AM

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