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Birthday: November 18, 1984
Location: New York

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Poker Log Entry for RebelMisclick

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January 6, 2008, 6PM: at Stars, Full Tilt, Absolute, Cake, etc.
$1/2 Texas Hold'em

Warning: Long Post (comments welcome)
Well after a very long time not posting, I figured I would throw out an update. It is really a brag, so take it as that. After graduation and getting married - money was pressed. I had busted my UB account, but luckily I had a shitty rakeback deal that was paying me about 3 weeks late each month. I think I had something like $50 bucks in there, so I decided to do something completely out of character and play .05/.10NL. I played around 15K hands at that limit at UB running around 10ptbb/100.
A lot of times you hear people say that lower limits are unbeatable. I totally disagree. Both $10NL and $25NL were very easy. It was a grind and not very fun - but it wasn't difficult or impossible. Winning at those stakes involves playing a lot of hands in position. Cutting down on raising marginal hands and learning to value bet without bluffing hardly ever will easily allow a decent player to win at these levels.
After I reached a bit over $500 I began to take some shots at $50NL. I won a few buy-ins almost immediately and decided to take a couple buy-in shot up at $100NL. Fortunately for me, this shot went very well. I almost immediately went on a 10BI upswing when I took the shot and the level just stuck. In fact, I don't think I ever had any sort of substantial (3-4 buyins) downswing at $100NL.
Once I started taking shots at 1/2NL though, things were not as smooth. I remember my first shot was a 6.5 buying downswing. That hurt and it took a long while to break out of that. Then finally, last month I made the move up to $200NL permanently and have been taking shots at the higher games if I see a really soft spot.
Right now, I have a booked a couple 4 figure days in a row and the BR is looking pretty healthy. Right now, I decided to take a little change of pace and enter the Sunday Million on Poker Stars. My wife is not currently able to be stationed with me at the same spot - so I have had a lot of time to play poker when I am not working. I will try to post some graphs when I get a chance.
As for right now and what I am focusing on in my game - there is so much. It seems like no matter how much I play, I keep learning more and more. Mostly, I get a lot better feeling for the types of plays people make and for the first time in a long time, I have actually begun to be able to make some very carefully planned moves and bluffs. One thing that I have really enjoyed is the deep stacked 200bb games on Absolute Poker. It is really a totally different game. Plus, I don't think the regs there are nearly as strong as the ones on PStars.
Anyways, that is probably enough right now. Hopefully this motivates somebody to do better than they are right now. Trust me, if I can go from playing high stakes live cash games to .05/.1 NL micro stakes, anyone can do it.

Last Update: January 6, 2008, 3:06PM

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