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Poker Log Entry for scorpioeyez

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February 6, 2008, 9AM:
Big Blind Raises

Got an invite for a $10 buy in tournament last night. AP qualifier for a 75K tournament. Not sure if I'm going to enter, not quite sure if my skill level is good enough for that tournament.
Question... what kind of situations would make you raise from the big blind?

Last Update: February 6, 2008, 9:53AM


February 7, 2008, 1:37PM
Posted by jfrostman

If it is only $10 I'd say go for it.  You can find out for a very small investment how your game stacks up.

February 6, 2008, 3:44PM
Posted by DeiYuo

Raising out of the BB in tournaments...
Wow, this is a key move to have in your arsanal to keep you alive. 
Situation 1 - Small only blinds limps;
the player is weak tight, wants to see a flop.  You auto raise knowing 100% of the time he will fold.  *be cautious of good players as if you do this too often they will play back at you or trap you*
Situation 2 - one or more weak players limp;
I actually just did this in the last live tournament I played in.  This guy would always limp with weak hands trying to spike a flop for cheap. Hands like 47s, 79s, 9Toff.  IF he ever had a pair or KQ or better he would ALWAYS raise pre.  So now, when I was in the BB and he would limp I wouldn't bother looking at my hand and just raise it 4-7x the BB to make sure he mucked.  *caution with this play is the SB limper, if he is perceptive he may trap re-raise you, or if he is a stubborn donkey the SB may call, also don't be so cavalier doing this with tight playes UTG or early position, you have to be VERY sure the guy ONLY limps with weak hands and your table image is snug*
Situation 3 - Many limpers and you are desperate
The difference between this play and the previous one is your stack size and the the actual size of the pot.  In the play above if re-raised you can muck your hand and still be fine.  Or you can see a flop and bluff value bet etc.  Situation 3 is when there are like 4-6 limpers (an amount that significantly changes your stack size if you win the pot) and your stack is about the size of the pot or a bit more.  *it can't be too small to where moving all in will definatly get a call*.  This is where you have anything from 72 to AA.  An example would be 100-200 blinds with a 25 ante, 6 playes limp so the pot is 1450 or so.  You have about 2K left, so instead of checking and tyring to outflop 6 playes you just move all in and take your rags heads up or win the pot outright.  This move take huge balls to pull off and is risky.  You have to be perceptive and know that some big stack calling station donkey is going to just auto call.  You also have to be leary of playes that once others limped will only limp with medium pairs rather than raise(since they most likely might call you).
This is one of my favorite moves to pull off, the best thing about it is even if you do get called you still have a chance at winning.  I did this once in a tournament and more than doubled up.  The funny thing is the next day I did the save move and a player that was in the game the previous day rememebered this and called me with KJ or some shit.  I rolled over my 72 off and he was like, "I knew it! I saw you do that yesterday and suspected it was BS".  But.. I outran him and tripled up ;)
Situation 4 - Beating down the small stack;
This play is done specifically to keep the little man down and keep the chips in big stacks hands.  It is very simple.  Big stack limps and SB small stack limps or SB small stack limps from wherever, you have shit BUT you don't want to give the small stack a chance to pick up a nice pot.  So you just raise 2.5x the BB to force them to put in 30% of their stack or muck.  Most the time the small stack will fold and give up, this also is cool becuase now the other big stack thinks you actually have something.  Even if the small stack calls he has two big stacks between him and will be very very less likly to throw out a bet or move all in since he thinks he will be called.
Situation 5 - UTG limper info
This is also simple, you have a decent hand in the BB, like TT, JJ, QQ, AK, AQ, KQ and there is an early position limper pre.  You want to know if he was trying to limp re-raise the flop with AA, KK, QQ, or AK, so you make a 2x BB raise.  MOST of the time he will raise back with the hand.  It seems silly to raise there with JJ to hope to get re-raised by AA when you could have seen a flop for free but when the flop comes down 24T you would have rather known this information before hand for cheaply.
Situation 6 - You actually have a hand :)

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