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Poker Log Entry for MT_TECH

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February 6, 2008, 5PM:
Full Tilt = Full Rigged?

I've played my share of internet poker with good results in the long run. I've been playing some sit and go tourneys lately and I'm starting to notice some very odd "play".
I realize there are players far superior and far worse than me online, but these guys are cold calling with 94 off to make runner runner two pair to snap off aces and stuff. It doesn't take much of a player to figure out 94 off on the KQ2 rainbow flop doesn’t have much chance of dragging the pot on the river. You have no draw except runner runner two pair/trips. How are these guys consistently winning with such odd hands?
Now the 94 guy I was observing doesn't play every pot. As a matter of fact, the only pots I watched him play were ones he/she stayed to the river with and rolled over the winner. Everyone has heard the stories about hackers taking advantage on the internet poker. How far off are these "outlandish" stories?
Now internet security measures have classically been described as "reactive" since these companies are waiting to catch hackers breaking the rules and then fix the problem after the damage is done. Are there just too many of these "hackers and crackers" out there now to keep up with? Has internet poker become completely venerable to the average 14 year old fat white kid sitting in his parents' basement? Whats the story? Where are the articles talking about how far internet poker security has come in the last year?

Last Update: February 6, 2008, 5:15PM


February 7, 2008, 6:49PM
Posted by EightFive

although the possibility of players working together, multi-accounting, etc. is a very real form of cheating i think.  i just don't think that software codes or ppl knowing what everyone has at the table is a very real problem.  (seeing the absolute poker situation as an isolated incident) just my opinion

February 7, 2008, 6:47PM
Posted by EightFive

maybe i am just naive but i just think this is not the case and can not believe how many people continue to think this.  obv i can not give solid proof that ends the argument i just have yet to come across a player that makes these terrible plays and sees long term results (after looking them up on some of the tracking sites) and with all due respect...the idea that you don't see these kinds of "beats" in live poker is simply not true.  just last week my opponent tried to bluff off all of his chips to me; i had him dead to a runner runner straight flush and he hit it.  worse beat i have ever taken live or online but this should happen once in a great while over the years.

February 7, 2008, 4:26PM
Posted by MT_TECH

I've had some experience with writing software, and if some computer science freak got his hands on the source code that one of these sites use, it wouldn't be hard to figure out a way to cheat. You just dont see those kinds of "plays" or "beats" in real in the flesh live poker.

February 7, 2008, 2:28PM
Posted by TheWerm

dammit i feel the same way, sometimes i wonder how a person "knows" when to push pll around with garbage cards "knowing" somehow that their hand will hit. maybe sheer dumb assssssss luck in the right spots and it looks like cheating i don't know but i feel the same way. Sometimes when i watch those time bombs rake in chips i wonder........ if there was a way to predict the hands coming. i bet that circle of cheating plyrs is hard to get into or break if it exists.

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