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Birthday: June 10, 1983
Location: Lower Burrell, PA

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Poker Log Entry for Steveinho

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February 12, 2008, 6PM: Played 27 minutes, Broke Even at Poker Stars
Free-Roll No-Limit Texas Hold'em Tournament (1,150th out of 1636 Players)

I did this in my other blog I just started... I think it applies here better though.  I dumbed it down incase someone decided to read.
I’ve decided to do play by occasional play of my most recent online poker tournament… this may be a long post, or I could do something shitty and it could be a short post. All of that being said, the fact that I’ve sucked recently, dictates that this be a free roll.
Being that it’s a free roll, a few things you should know:
1) It’s free.
2) People are maniacs.
3) The prize is really small for a large amount of dodging craziness and getting fortunate… but, as I said, it’s free.
The winner will receive a remarkable grand prize of $46.00 for navigating a field of 1636 overwhelmingly incompetent players.
We are starting at a table filled with remarkable luminaries of the poker world such as me (Steveinho), lvtogolf from Chesapeake, known for his love of golfing, and badlukjoe straight out of Gaffney, South Carolina, who’s unluckiness is notorious to anyone who’s ever played on Poker Stars.
Brian Voyetek, a Denver Broncos fan from Perris, is also stationed at the table and uses his full name, as though he would be recognized for some reason.
2nd hand of the tournament and I decided it’d be nice to try to steal a pot with 10-7 of hearts in my hand. To put 10-7 of hearts into perspective, it’s kind of like having… well, shit. Someone called me, the cards came out 9-J-9, which really isn’t any good. They bet, I decided to bluff and raise them… they bet more and I pussied out.
They were kind enough to share that their hand was AJ by pushing the “show hand to retard who bluffed you” button, and I responded by lying about the cards in my hand due to it being necessary for a poker player to have no class.
-8 minutes in. I’ve decided I need pumped up. Wu-Tang will be put on. If I pump myself up too much, I will turn to Radiohead which, unfortunately, pumps me up sometimes too.
-18 minutes in and 360+ players have been eliminated, owing to the cut throat prowess of all the skilled players in this event. 1/3rd of my stack is gone due to whiffing every time I raise and being called by at least 3 players each time. Boo hoo for me.
-26 minutes. Well, got my best hand of the night… AK suited. Bet early, got raised, shoved for my wittle itty-bitty stack by a guy who lost possibly the funniest pot in poker history the hand before and he, unfortunately, has pocket Kings. Need an A or a J for a while and, alas, it comes not to be.
This comes one hand after I insulted the player who busted me. Class and elegance escapes me.
1150 out of 1636. I guess the dream will have to wait one more day.

Last Update: February 12, 2008, 6:39PM

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