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Birthday: February 22, 1987
Location: New Kensington

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Total Entries: 6
Total Won/Lost: $862.00
Total Hours: 17
Earnings/Hour: $50.71


Most Recent
February 2008 (6)

Poker Log Entry for patterson825

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February 13, 2008, 10PM: Played 4 hours, Made $115.00 at Italian Club
$1/2 Texas Hold'em

I came into the Italian Club had to wait about 20 minutes they started a new table. Only 2 tables there tonight since apparently its never going to to stop snowing here in Pittsburgh.
Sat down at my table which I didn't even like, my buddy Rocket was to the left of me who plays poker for a living plays 5/10, 10/20, 2/5.. the 2/5 game got canceled so he sat and played 1/2. My other buddy Shawn sat to the left of him and hes a pretty solid player to and the rest of the table is mixed with tight players and one extremely bad player. I bought in for $200.
This night was a grind and a half. I had no hands or hit nothing besides one hand thats worth talking about.
I'm in the BB, theres a straddle to $4 3 people call the straddle I look down at 6/7 off I put another $2 to complete. Flop comes Qd/6d/6s. SB checks on me now I bet out $13, my buddy Shawn min re raises me $13 more which makes me think then it goes call, call and now it's on me. Me and Shawn know how each other play I'm thinking he has diamonds or top pair and made the min re-raise just to see where I'm at. The right play is to come back over the top but I elected to just to call and if adiamond doesn't peel off I'm jamming the turn. 8 of spades peels off the turn I bet out $60 mistake number 2 by me I should've bet more, Shawn Folds the other guy cfolds and the SB calls the rest of his $60 off with top pair. I scoop the pot ship it!

Last Update: February 14, 2008, 12:31AM

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