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Birthday: June 28, 1974
Location: istanbul

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Total Entries: 25
Total Won/Lost: -$35.62
Total Hours: 25
Earnings/Hour: -$1.41
Biggest Win: $14.00
Biggest Loss: -$29.00


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Poker Log Entry for Achilles

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April 12, 2010, 9AM:
Most important things in cash games

In cash games, I think the most important things are as follows in order;
- bankroll management
- always playing regarding the EV
- reading the tells well and bluffing
For the 1st to the 3rd, if you do not succeed in the previous one(s), the rest does not matter. For example, if you can perfectly read the tells but you have very bad bakroll management and you do not care about the EV, you lose in the long term.
For example, take Tom Dwan, he always starts a sessoin with nearly 1/15 of his entire bankroll, never more. He sometimes loses a million in a few day, but it does not matter, 14/15 of his money is still with him. Also, he usually plays regarding the EV, does not bet when he has odds for winning %45 or less. And being the third, he reads the opponents well. 
I have failed so much at the first one, and also at the second one. Also I very often was on tilt.
I have registered to a new poker room, Juicy Stakes poker. Also, I play on Aspinalls Poker. I have heard that on cake network, only one room allowed for rake back, I hope and the room accepts my rakeback deal for Juicy Stakes Poker. Otherwise, I plan to play on Aspinalls and Cake poker.

Last Update: April 12, 2010, 2:28AM

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