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Birthday: February 12, 1979
Location: Windsor , Ontario

(more stats)

Total Entries: 16
Total Won/Lost: $1,908.00
Total Hours: 51
Earnings/Hour: $37.05
Biggest Win: $1,040.00
Biggest Loss: -$550.00


Most Recent
May 2015 (16)

Poker Log Entry for teekteek

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May 22, 2015, 7PM: Played 3 hours, Made $451.00 at Caesers Windsor Ontario
$1/2 Texas Hold'em

J7 clubs . Flop KC 9c 10h called 20 . 9 on turn pfr shoves for 55. Called 55 int
J7 clubs . Flop KC 9c 10h called 20 . 9 on turn pfr shoves for 55. Called 55 into 180 with FD gs he had no pair j for the win
Raise pre aq suited . Flop Gs and bdf with j107 flop one diaond . Bet 25 . Turn
Raise pre aq suited . Flop Gs and bdf with j107 flop one diaond . Bet 25 . Turn k diamonds bet 35 . River 5 off . Bet 155 . Called 610
Out 600 . Up 450
66 hand bs 99 . Raised on the turn to get q out . Loose q3229
Qq pre fold . 6 / 20 / 60 fold fold
96 in bb
called utg raiser after 5 other calls . 96 diamonds. 6-1 on call of 8 total.
flop 974. He leads for 12 . I raise to 25 after everyone folds . Turn q clubs. Bringing clubs. Check check . River 7. I chck he bets 22. I think he has ak . Figures he would have reriased 10s plus on flop and bet a q on the turn. He's pretty polarized and had just been bad beat 2 times in the last 10 mins. Called he mucked
10 x comps day
Start 145 . 5 handed
Slots up 125 . Fox machine

Last Update: May 29, 2015, 7:07PM

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