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Poker Log Entry for DeiYuo

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December 29, 2006, 6AM: Played 4 hours, Lost $1.00 at Napa Valley Casino
$3/6 Omaha Hi-Lo

Yes, that is no typo, I lost one whole fucking dollar.
What a horrible, terrible, annoying session.  I finally get my seat in this juicy game and pick up some monsters and am up about $250 within an hour. 
The next 3 hours I get torched off my stack.  I mean torchered.  Like having A23K, getting 9 donkeys to cap it, flopping AK7 two of my suit, that is nut flush draw, top two and nut low draw.  Capping it on the flop, turning a 3 couterfiting my low but making me nut flush, still getting it capped only to see a 7 roll off on the river and losing to K357, dead to a 7 and some donkey with 255Q drawing to 4th nut low.  I love the action but this hurts.
It was a night of my strong hogger potential hands being destroyed by super rough low drawers backing into better lows and better highs.  Seeing shit hands like 47KQ and 359J splitting huge pots.
THIS FINAL HAND I PLAY WAS VERY INTERESTING, I have 3h 4d 5d 5h double suited, all red, from the BB.  It is a kill pot and Kenny raises under the gun.  He gernerally ONLY raises with AA or A2.  Everyone calls like usuall so I call.  My dream flop of Ah 2h 9d.  Wrap on the wheel and a gutshot straight flush draw.  It gets bet out by the SB, I'm afraid of raising and having him re-raise with possible AA and losing players(since it is a kill pot and they are afraid of bigger bets) so I call and hope someone else raises.  Kenny raises and loses everyone but the bettor.  The bettor now just calls, I say screw it and 3 bet it.  Kenny just calls now??? (there is no way he has AA if he just calls.  Nor do I put him on the nut flush since he would cap with two pair/set and flush draw) Now the original raiser caps it?? I'm fine with that.
The turn card is a Td, board is now Ah 2h 9d Td.  My hand is way to big now to hit.  The bettor leads out on the turn and I just call.  Kenny now raises it?? So does he have AA?? Doesn't matter to me, if I hit my set of 5's I make a wheel anyways, I am going to either win a huge pot or lose it, there is no inbetween.  They bettor 3 bets and Kenny caps it.  No I am really curious what the maniac capping it has.  There is no way, from how I've seen him play, that this guy has a draw.  He capped on the flop so he should have A29x, or AAxx, 22xx, 99xx.  Either way I still love my hand and am pretty sure one if not both of the flush draws are good. 
The maniac calls for a Queen on the River and sure as shit it comes a black Queen, I am stunned/expected to miss, the bettor leads into Kenny after calling the card as it made him top two, Kenny calls and ends up taking down the pot with a set of 10s that he turned.
The hands are truly amazing, almost like the deck was set up, it has been a long time since I've had such a situation like this.  At the time did not realize how far "ahead" I really was with the bonus 5 high flush draws.
Kenny, A2TT
Maniac, A29Q
Me, 3455

Flop Odds
Turn Odds 64% !!!!
I am ironically stuck $1 and get up from the table feeling like I lost 1K.

Last Update: December 29, 2006, 11:33PM


It was my last quarter of graduate school before taking the comps exam this Spring so I had to focus... blah, blah, blah. I'm at a small $2/4 table (Coran-limit).

Posted by nbouvet10 on December 29, 2006, 9:44PM

Nice post Jesse! I'm back babee..... Slowly but surely. You've been playing a lot of live sessions huh? Let's play at Full-Tilt when you have time.

Posted by nbouvet10 on December 29, 2006, 9:31PM

Welcome back! Where the hell have you been hiding?
Nice to hear from you, we'll see you on Fult Tilt Poker

Posted by DeiYuo on December 29, 2006, 8:58PM

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