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Play Online Poker

Birthday: July 19, 1984
Location: Spokane

(more stats)

Total Entries: 12
Total Won/Lost: $180.00
Total Hours: 45
Earnings/Hour: $3.93
Biggest Win: $270.00
Biggest Loss: -$150.00


Most Recent
January 2006 (10)
December 2005 (2)

Poker Blog for ShaneRatel

Most Recent Log Entries

January 19, 2006, 2PM: Played 5 hours, Made $117.00 at Big Daddy's
$4/8 Texas Hold'em

played really well got into pots that i felt i could win played a little loose and pissed some chips away but this time it was alittle different i could tell it and i tightened back up and got to even and played hands that i felt i could make work and alot of the time they did as the game filled i tightened up and let it run its course got out and jumped back in the box feeling pretty good about poker right now

Last Update: January 20, 2006, 12:31AM | Permalink (1 Comment)

January 18, 2006, 9PM: Played 3 hours, Made $123.00 at Big Daddy's
$4/8 Texas Hold'em

just trying to get even from the proping earlier played pretty well and just built up a stack some friends were there had a few beers and had a good time alot of fun got even

Last Update: January 20, 2006, 12:27AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

January 18, 2006, 2PM: Played 6 hours, 30 minutes, Lost $100.00 at Big Daddy's
$4/8 Texas Hold'em

i was doing just fine and the game got short but ran for a long time and the table ate up alot and i pissed off some chips trying to make stuff happen and tryed not to run into the guy that was running hot (proping)as the game began to fill i felt myself not make the transition of tightening up and thats how i pissed off alot of chips i was up during this session for a while

Last Update: January 20, 2006, 12:28AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

January 17, 2006, 2PM: Played 2 hours, 15 minutes, Made $270.00 at Big Daddy's
$4/8 Texas Hold'em

wow the deck ran over me in a short amount of time made some hands hold up and played against the blinds alittle better and harder good session

Last Update: January 20, 2006, 12:21AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

January 17, 2006, 12AM: Played 3 hours, Made $80.00 at Big Daddy's
$4/8 Texas Hold'em

thought that i was in for a treat with this one sat down and threw the first 10 hands away and im stuck 6 dollars the blinds first hand i get wired Q's A8 in there checkraises me on the flop with a J42 flop and a rainbow and get running 88 for the win nice hand wow on semi tilt but ive been running good and i know the kid is eager to give me my chips back i run him over with wired J's and just play loose to end up draining off my chips i buy another rack try to go back to where i was earlier that mourning and i get to even and build up some juice untill the game breaks and BAM a win

Last Update: January 20, 2006, 12:20AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

January 14, 2006, 8PM: Played 3 hours, Made $105.00 at Big Daddy's
$4/8 Texas Hold'em

Its starting to come around ive been playing alot lately and trying to find ways out of situations that i can avoid and i have been doing alot better with it lately

Last Update: January 20, 2006, 12:11AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

January 14, 2006, 2PM: Played 5 hours, 30 minutes, Made $80.00 at Big Daddy's
$4/8 Texas Hold'em

on the clock trying to keep the game going wow logging a win played a little better today made a few reads that i was right on and walked away up

Last Update: January 20, 2006, 12:09AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

January 3, 2006, 12AM: Played 1 hour, Lost $150.00 at Big Daddy's
$3/6 Texas Hold'em

got there and caught some big hands in bad position that stayed good for a while but fell quick had AKs and ran into suds flopping a set at least i was nice and kept betting it for him ah well will all turn around soon

Last Update: January 20, 2006, 12:06AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

January 2, 2006, 6PM: Played 1 hour, Lost $100.00 at Big Daddy's
$4/8 Texas Hold'em

proping in the game with a target on my head only hands that i caught i had at least 4 or 5 other players in there and couldnt catch anything played maybe 10 hands total pulled one pot sat in the cold seat two hands i called for 4 late position raised to 8 and someone after i called raised to 12 kind of stuck with 7 players in the hand 910S flop second pair and call 4 to see the turn and then lay it down really want to log a win any advice

Last Update: January 3, 2006, 11:43AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

January 1, 2006, 6PM: Played 4 hours, Lost $100.00 at Big Daddy's
$3/6 Texas Hold'em

seems to be the case lose lose lose thats fun just kind of got a cold deck thrown at me today maybe tightening up wouldnt hurt have to try a session playing really tight lost a few hands that i was a favorite to win AQ to AJ flop A66 and turn J didnt lose big final hand AJH to A5os Board was A2324 Ouch cant get the loose player off of his hand BackwardsRyan the car salesman

Last Update: January 2, 2006, 1:34AM | Permalink (0 Comments)

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